Busting Top Myths About Menstrual Cups | Sushmita’s Diaries


Myths About Menstrual Cups Being widely accepted and popular in the west, menstrual cups have lately been making their presence felt in India as well. Considered to be the modern solution to period management, menstrual cups are scoring over their age-old alternatives like pads and tampons on various parameters. They are dirt cheap, have unmatched ecological advantage, can be worn […]

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Permanent Freedom From Hair Removal? NEUD Natural Hair Inhibitor Review | Sushmita’s Diaries


Since, frequent hair removal through waxing, cream, shaving, etc is a time consuming, painful and expensive process, Hair inhibitors make the job easy for you.Here, I am going to review NEUD Natural Hair Inhibitor and sharing my experience with you all. NEUD natural hair inhibitor is an advanced formulation for permanent hair growth reduction of unwanted body hair. It restricts the […]

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Can Leech Oil Help Cure Baldness and Alopecia? Sushmita’s Diaries

leech oil

Leeches or Jonk (as known in South Asia) are blood-sucking animals of the Fillum Annelida family. Being slimy and shapeless in appearance, they are often loathed and even dreaded. Leeches are hermaphrodites i.e they have multiple genitals and both female and male characteristics are found in a single creature. Native to tropical regions of the world including the Indian subcontinent, Indonesia […]

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